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Kozza Smith – Bootcamp Trainer!

Kozza Smith – Bootcamp Trainer!

Kozza had been wanting to do the course for a few years but he races speedway professionally and his sport had taken him overseas. When he finally decided to do Kozza was a painter and running his own business…. now he also runs his own Bootcamps! Kozza tells us...
Bruce Armstrong – (video highlights)

Bruce Armstrong – (video highlights)

‘The best part of my training has been the friends I have made and the classes are quite fun. I’m looking forward to actually getting employed in the fitness industry and getting my career started……’ – Bruce Armstrong Meet more...
Kellie Poppy – thanks her support network

Kellie Poppy – thanks her support network

Congratulations to Kellie Poppy on completing her Cert III&IV in Fitness. We wish you all the best for the future! “Collected my certificate today, yay!!! There were so many people who helped me along the way that I would like to thank: Angie Corcoran, Julie...
Fitness Institute Crew at FILEX

Fitness Institute Crew at FILEX

The Fitness Institute crew spent quality time at Filex and Fitness and Health Expo in Melbourne to catch up on all of the latest and greatest in information and ideas for the future of Australia’s Fitness Industry. Guest speakers were from all around the globe!...
Rachel Romeo – Hard work pays off!

Rachel Romeo – Hard work pays off!

Well Done Rachel on behalf of the Fitness Institute. Hard work and dedication has paid off. Rachel was such a conscientious student who was eager to learn and is now able to work in the industry she feels so passionate about! We asked Rachael to share her fitness...