Transition To Current Training Package
Please note the below information is ONLY for previously enrolled Fitness Institute students who have gone beyond their course completion dates.
Costs are additional to having completed the course payment plan.Â
Students who are new to Fitness Institute (and are from another RTO) should contact the careers team on (07) 4724 3123 (or 1300 4 FITNESS) to enquire about RPL or see more information HERE
Fitness Institute has an RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) package that includes gap training to help bridge the gap between the old SIS(2015) Package and the new SIS(2021) Training Packages.
If you have commenced your SIS30315 – Certificate III in Fitness and SIS40215 – Certificate IV in Fitness and the time to complete this has lapsed or will go beyond 30 April 2023, you now need to complete the new SIS30321 – Certificate III in Fitness and SIS40221 – Certificate IV in Fitness.
If you want any assistance with activating an extension, please call us on (07) 4771 2791 and we can guide you through the process.
Effective January 30th 2024: Paysmart fees are $14.95 setup fee plus $1.95 per payment.
Bank details attract no extra fees, however Master Card & Visa charge 2.27% additional and AMMEX 4.55%
“We are committed to helping students achieve their goals”
If you want any assistance with activating an extension, please call us on (07) 4724 3123 (or 1300 4 FITNESS) and we can guide you through the process.
Paysmart fees are $14.95 setup fee plus $1.95 per payment.
Bank details attract no extra fees, however Master Card and Visa charge 2.27% additional and AMMEX 4.55%
Weekly investment plans are from $50 – $60 per week depending on the package.
Please use the form below to pay for your course transition