If you have completed other qualifications in the Sport, Recreation, Health and Fitness Industry within the past 2 years, you may qualify for Recognition of Prior Learning or Credit Transfer.
Please note: Qualifications for the Certificate III and IV in Fitness, obtained prior to SIS30321 and SIS40221 are now considered “not equivalent” by Training.gov.au, which is the National Register on Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Australia.
Significant enhancements in the past 2 years include:
- Working with Allied Health Professionals.
- Scope of Practice for providing Healthy Eating Information
- Working with Children updates.
Universities, registered training organisations and colleges are different in terms of what areas are and are not covered in qualifications.
Many tertiary qualifications go into detail in areas not covered by the current Certificate III and IV in Fitness, but also skip areas the Certificate III and IV in Fitness do cover.
Doing a higher level qualification such as one listed below may still only provide partial RPL for certain subjects:
- Bachelor of Sports Science
- Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology
- Bachelor of Human Movement
- Bachelor of Education (High School PE)
- Master of Strength and Conditioning
Fitness Institute “cluster” individual units of competency into program stages for the current SIS30321 – Certificate III in Fitness and SIS40221 – Certificate IV in Fitness.
It may not be possible to RPL complete program stages in all cases and if this proves to be the case, specific assessments can be provided to bridge gaps.
Costs of RPL
The total cost for RPL is the same as doing the course
Please see the current online fees for:
- SIS30321 – Certificate III in Fitness
- SIS40221 – Certificate IV in Fitness
- SIS30321 & SIS40221 – Certificate III & IV in Fitness
On each page, follow the links to “ENROL NOW” or “GET STARTED” to see the current pricing.
Case Study 1 for RPL: Mike
Note example only – all student cases will vary depending on the quality, relevance, authenticity and quantity of qualifications and experience.
- Mike has an old SRF30206 – Certificate III in Fitness + Industry experience
- Mike wants to RPL into the new SIS30321 – Certificate III in Fitness and then do the SIS40221 – Certificate IV in Fitness
- Mike pays and enrols in the Combo PT Course.
- Mike completes his RPL application for the both qualifications.
- Mike is assessed to have most of the new Certificate III in Fitness Course completed, plus a small amount of practical completed in the Certificate IV in Fitness
- Mike then is given specific instruction on what he doesn’t need to complete in the courses he is enrolled in and commences his transitional gap training to the new Certificate III in Fitness and commences on the new Certificate IV in Fitness
Case Study 2 for RPL: Jennifer
Note example only – all student cases will vary depending on the quality, relevance, authenticity and quantity of qualifications and experience.
- Jennifer has a Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science from 2015 + industry experience.
- Jennifer wants to RPL as much as possible of both the SIS30321 – Certificate III in Fitness and the SIS40221 – Certificate IV in Fitness
- Jennifer pays and enrols in the Combo PT Course.
- She commences by completing his RPL application for the both qualifications.
- Jennifer is awarded partial RPL for the Certificate III and IV in Fitness and is advised of her gap training plan.
Case Study 3 for RPL: Sam
Note example only – all student cases will vary depending on the quality, relevance, authenticity and quantity of qualifications and experience.
- Sam has a recent SIS30315 – Certificate III in Fitness from Fitness Institute (including the Group Fitness Units of Competency).
- Sam wants to RPL as much as possible of the new SIS30321 – Certificate III in Fitness and then do the new SIS40215 – Certificate IV in Fitness
- Sam can’t just do the new SIS40215 – Certificate IV in Fitness as there are specific prerequisites to do the new SIS40215 – Certificate IV in Fitness.
- Sam is enrolled into a “transition course” that is specifically designed for Fitness Institute Certificate III in Fitness graduates to transition across to complete the new Certificate III in Fitness and then commence on the new Certificate IV in Fitness.
FAQ: Why does RPL cost the same as doing the course. Shouldn't it be cheaper?
The reason is that the workload for the Fitness Institute Training and Assessment team is actually MORE than a standard enrolment due to the amount of evidence checking that is required. Many RTOs actually charge additional for RPL due to the amount of work required.