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Student Spotlight – Cherie & Robert

Check out our S&C course for PT’s and Athletes

Cherie & Robert Personal Trainers

Written by Kristine Beissner

July 23, 2021


Spotlight Robert & Cherie

Husband and wife team Robert and Cherie are well on their way to completing the Certificate III and IV in Fitness and achieving their fitness and career goals!

Supported along the way by mentor and Exercise Scientist Damon Bray, Robert and Cherie are learning all about human physical performance from an accomplished program developer and athlete.

Having become more active over the last 5 years and with this being such a life-changing, positive experience, Cherie is looking forward to helping others achieve the same results…

Cherie shared with us her goal is to:

“Become a master of my craft and help others harness their potential in an array of varied physical activity, ranging from gymnastics to Olympic weightlifting…

I aim to learn from the best and help others achieve their best….

I have a special interest in bridging the gap in the post-partum population between birth and regaining or discovering physical prowess.”

Cherie draws inspiration from her husband Robert’s discipline and dedication as well as the efforts of fellow athletes at CrossFit Gladstone who work alongside and encourage each other to strive hard to succeed each day.

Robert is a keen martial artist and CrossFitter and is also completing his fitness qualifications to improve fitness knowledge and in turn, support others with their own health and fitness journey.

We wish you both all the very best on your fitness journey!

Meet more motivated Fitness Institute Students HERE! 

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for PT’s & Athletes

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