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Terms & Conditions

By enrolling in a course provided by Fitness Institute Pty Ltd ABN: 19 138 634 170; RTO: 32089, I agree I am legally bound by the following “Terms and Conditions of Enrolment”.

1. I confirm I have read and understood all the information in this document as well as the relevant student policy and procedures available from the Fitness Institute RTO Information page available at fitnessinstitute.com.au/rto-information/

2. I confirm all information supplied in connection with my enrolment, including AUSactive Student Insurance, Unique Student Identifier, Learning Management System, AVETMISS details and payment information is complete, true and correct.

3. I accept it is my responsibility to ensure personal information is kept current. Changes to my name, address, email address, phone numbers, payment options or banking details will be updated as soon as possible by contacting Student Support in writing.

4. I acknowledge I may be prevented from enrolling with Fitness Institute or have my enrolment cancelled if it is determined information provided is untrue, or I am otherwise in breach of these terms and conditions.

5. By enrolling in a course with Fitness Institute, I confirm I have read and understood the fees associated with the Course and agree to pay the required fees (plus GST if applicable) for either/or the agreed minimum term or full cost of the course.

6. I confirm that if I am are under 18 years, a parent or guardian must consent, agree to the fee agreement and co-sign this document as well as be responsible for any default payments and other costs which may become payable.

7. I confirm that if I fail to pay any part of the course fees by the due date, Fitness Institute Pty Ltd reserves the right to:
7A. Restrict access to the Online Learning Management System
7B. Withhold marking of assessments and issuance of qualifications or statements of attainment for partial completion; and
7C. Notify a relevant Debt Collection Agency of any default.

8. I confirm that by paying the agreed course fee by instalments, I:
8A. Have supplied a valid credit card or Australian bank account;
8B. Agree with and will complete the Direct Debit Request Service Agreement;
8C. Must pay all instalments on or before the due dates;
8D. Will not cease Direct Debits at my nominated bank or change bank details without providing two (2) weeks notice

9. The Customer shall pay for all costs incurred by Fitness Institute (including costs for which the Fitness Institute may be contingently liable) in any attempt to collect any monies owed by the Customer to Fitness Institute under this Agreement including debt collection agent costs, repossession costs, location search costs, process server costs and solicitor costs on a solicitor/client basis.

10. I understand I will remain liable for unpaid instalments associated with this agreement even if completing the course early or withdrawing.

11. I understand I will not receive a qualification, statement of attainment or record of results until I have paid the course fee in full.

12. I understand I can only apply for a refund within the initial 48 hours “cooling off” period, which commences from signing of the contract. After this period, I understand a refund or ceasing of payments is only available in the instance we (Fitness Institute Pty Ltd) are unable to provide a service i.e. Online Learning Management System (LMS) down for a long period (e.g. weeks at a time) without tutors providing alternative means to reading, lecture and assessment materials or Lecturers for Face to Face courses not turning up repeatedly to scheduled training times. I understand course enrolment costs total $500.00 and that if I withdraw in the cooling off period, this will be non-refundable.

13. I understand the Fitness Institute offers extensive opportunities to ensure I am able to continue my studies via the Online Learning Management System and refunds, cancellations or ceasing of payments are not possible if I fail to complete the required course work in the time nominated. The onus is on me to complete ALL course work. If I require additional and ongoing support I can engage the services of a Fitness Institute Mentor via the VIP Support Pack option. https://fitnessinstitute.com.au/vip-support-pack/

14. I understand that in the event of circumstances of financial difficulty I can apply to the Fitness Institute for an agreed payment adjustment, including any associated fees.

15. In the case of medical circumstances, I understand I will need to submit a request in writing and supply a medical certificate for a temporary suspension, reduction in payments and/or a reasonable extension for a specific period of time.

16. I understand that if my study exceeds the nominated completion date I have the option to pay an additional extension. I understand that if the course training package changes, there may be additional fees involved in upgrading and transitioning from one training package to another.

17. The maximum allocated timeframe to complete each module or program stage under the Extension Clause 16. is 30 days consecutively. The only exception to this Clause is the transition to an updated Course Package of identical study. Additional fees apply for course transitions ref: https://fitnessinstitute.com.au/transitions/

18. I agree upon receipt and acceptance of this agreement that it is prohibited to provide the training materials of any Fitness Institute Courses to any current or future third party organisations.

19. I understand course material or access to the Learning Management System will not be made accessible until:
19A. The enrolment (full student registration) has been completed and all contracts signed by all required parties.
19B. The first initial course payment or full payment has been received (please allow approximately 3 business days for this to be cleared).
19C. A Unique Student Identifier has been provided and verified.
19D. AUSactive Student Insurance has been submitted (fitness courses only).
19E. Fitness Institute Staff have processed the enrolment (please allow an additional 2 business days after the first payment has cleared for our staff to process the enrolment).

20. I understand that if I was referred to my course by a third party, that the third party is not obligated to assist with any aspect of my training, resource hire or mentoring.

21. I understand that I need to meet the requirements for working with children and/or adolescents in the relevant Australian State / Territory where applicable. If there is a reason that I cannot or do not wish to work with children or adolescents during or after my course, I will advise my intent not to work with Children on Adolescents in order to be advised on the requirements (example role plays) to be done instead.

22. I understand my personal information (including the personal information contained on this enrolment form and Learning Management System) may be used or disclosed by Fitness Institute for statistical, regulatory and research purposes. Fitness Institute may disclose your personal information for these purposes to third parties, including:
• School – if you are a secondary student undertaking VET, including a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship;
• Employer – if you are enrolled in training paid by your employer;
• Commonwealth and State or Territory government departments and authorised agencies;
• National Centre of Vocational Education Research (NCVER);
• Organisations conducting student surveys; and
• Researchers.
Personal information disclosed to the National Centre of Vocational Education Research (NCVER) may be used or disclosed for the following purposes:
• issuing a VET Statement of Attainment or VET Qualification, and populating Authenticated VET Transcripts;
• facilitating statistics and research relating to education, including surveys;
• understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information; and
• administering VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation.
You may receive an NCVER student survey which may be administered by an NCVER employee, agent or third party contractor. You may opt out of the survey at the time of being contacted. NCVER will collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the VET Data Policy and all NCVER policies and protocols (including those published on NCVER’s website at https://ncver.edu.au).

23. I authorise my pictures taken by Fitness Institute Staff or submitted to Fitness Institute staff to be used on Fitness Institute Social Media Channels. If I am not in agreeance of this clause, I will advise in writing to the relevant staff.

24A. I understand undertaking face to face or online courses with Fitness Institute requires:
• A suitable laptop or desktop computer with ADSL or NBN internet (recommended 2x monitors with at least 1920 x 1080 screen resolution for the best experience).
• A Smart Phone (capable of taking pictures and video and uploading to the web).
• Microsoft Office 2013 or later (Word, Powerpoint and Excel)
Note: free versions of Microsoft office such as OpenOffice.org or Apple Pages often cause formatting issues which will not be accepted
• Access to a printer and scanner to collate and send documents

24B. I understand there is a required level of Learning, Language and Numeracy (LLN) within the qualification or course I am undertaking and a LLN assessment is available.

LLN requirements include the ability to interpret research documents, prepare written reports, design and deliver a wide range of fitness services as well as merge and submit assessments electronically as per assessment submission guidelines.

24C. I understand there is a level of professionalism required when communicating with Fitness Institute staff and my peers on the students and alumni Facebook page.

24D. I understand my course fees cover up to three (3) non-competent submissions for any Program Stage and further coaching and assessment will be available at an additional cost of $100.00 per program stage.

I am aware of all external costs associated with undertaking study with Fitness Institute as listed on the website: https://fitnessinstitute.com.au/course-pricing.

These include:
• First Aid and CPR Course (approx. $110 – $150 depending on training provider) is required for all Certificate III and IV in Fitness Students and recommended for GEL
• Advanced First Aid Course is required for all Diploma of Fitness Students
• Gym membership or casual visits (ideally with a commercial gym) that allows for physical involvement, participation in and demonstration of exercises
• A mentor with at least the same level of qualifications as that being assessed
• Skin Fold Calipers (approximate cost $17)
• Blood Pressure Machine (approximate cost $35 for wrist or $60 for arm BP machine)
• Tape Measure (approximate cost $2 – $5)
Recommended Software
The Visible Body – Human Anatomy Atlas and Muscle Premium
Recommended Text Books (additional to the Fitness Institute learner guide)
Marchese, The Essential Guide to Fitness
Attridge, Fitness Trainer Essentials
Use discount code READSAVE10 at the checkout if purchasing through Cengage)

25. I understand that I may wait up to 20 business days for an assessment turnaround and 60 days for a formal complaints response.

26. I understand that this course is non-transferable.

27. I understand that on completion of my course, I will need to complete all relevant statutory declarations that the work is my own, all payments need to be completed and surveys done before I can receive my certificates.

28A. As far as possible all provisions of this Contract will be construed so as not to be void or otherwise unenforceable.
28B. If anything in this contract is void or otherwise unenforceable then it will be severed and the rest of the Contract remains in force.