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Student Spotlight – Michael Ing

Check out our S&C course for PT’s and Athletes

Written by Kristine Beissner

September 30, 2022

News | Testimonials

Now working for 5 Star Fitness, Michael’s journey to complete the Cert III and IV in Fitness and become a Personal Trainer is nothing less than inspiring!

These days, Michael’s goal is to stay fit and active in order to maintain good health.

Over the past six years, Michael has trained in 12-week fitness challenges with 5 Star Fitness – at a rate of three challenges per year!

Michael went on to competing in a winning sculpting challenges and bodybuilding comps in the over 50 class.

Michael’s philosophy of “no matter the situation if you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything” is evident in how he overcame the challenges he faced in 2009, after an accident that occurred when competing in a NZ speedway side car championship.

The accident resulted in Michael spending a week in intensive care.

After many X-rays, it was revealed Michael had an open book fracture of the pelvis which meant 10 fractures in the pelvis and multiple fractures of the hip joint and sockets, as well as a broken left wrist, broken collar bone and broken scapular.

After 2 major operations in a fortnight in New Zealand, Michael was transferred back to Brisbane hospital to undergo another major operation.

Four weeks later Michael was transferred to Townsville hospital, where he spent another week before being released.

Michael then spent seven months with physios learning to walk again.

In the following video, Michael has shared more about his life and journey, for which we are very thankful…

We look forward to seeing where your fitness journey takes you Michael!



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