Having always been interested in sport and fitness, Natasha is now on track to complete her Certificate III and IV in Fitness with Fitness Institute!
With the support of qualified Personal Trainer and mentor Gus and D2E Gym, Natasha is experiencing not only the elements of communication and professionalism that are essential for a successful Personal Trainer, there’s also lots to learn about designing and delivering fun, effective exercise sessions as well.
With Gus sharing his industry knowledge, know-how and skills, Natasha is on her way to achieving her fitness and career goals.
Initially completing a Certificate III in Sport and Recreation in high school, Natasha is now looking forward to finishing the Certificate in Fitness in the future, then getting out into the industry to start working.
Drawing inspiration from her parents who instilled the drive to work hard to achieve goals and singer/songwriter Taylor Swift for her strength and ability to live life one song at a time, Natasha is powering through her assessments one stage at a time!
We wish you all the best on your fitness journey Natasha – you are well on your way to achieving your objective of creating a comfortable environment for everyone’s fitness and confidence levels!
Meet more motivated Fitness Institute Students HERE!