Jan 2, 2020 | Testimonials
Congratulations to our Fitness Institute Alumni, Adam Trama for setting up his new business, Tactical Fitness! Adam completed our Certificate III and IV in Fitness in July 2012 and has since gone on to become a PTI in the Australian Defence Force before moving to...
Jan 2, 2020 | Testimonials
Helen had a wealth of industry experience even before becoming certified as a Personal Trainer with the crew at Fitness Institute HQ, bringing lots of experience to classroom discussions, especially as a Les Mills Instructor in BODYPUMP, BODYBALANCE, GRIT and...
Jan 2, 2020 | Testimonials
Jan made some great friends on her course… “Thanks to Trainer Philip Sherriff and friends / clients, Stephen, Amy and Myra and everyone I met on the course. And what a bunch! Met some great friends on the course. If you want to become a personal trainer, I...
Jan 2, 2020 | Testimonials
A big congratulations to Tobey on completing his Cert III & IV in Fitness. Tobey took advantage of all of the work experience opportunities presented and this resulted in a job straight out of the course. He also did a strict L-Sit muscle up on his second attempt...
Jan 2, 2020 | Testimonials
Course: Cert III and IV in Fitness Method: Online Graduated: December 2014 New Career: Member Services at Strand Fitness North Shore Testimonial: “I found the online course really well presented, the videos/tutorials of the face to face class made you feel like...