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Student Spotlight – Giorgia Andreou

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Georgia Andreou - Spotlight

Written by Kristine Beissner

April 1, 2022

News | Students | Testimonials

Congratulations on starting work as a Club Manager Giorgia! 


Currently a student with Fitness Institute, Giorgia has been working alongside mentors Grace and Glen, and completing the Certificate III and IV in Fitness in order to inspire others even more!

Achieving the goal of starting work in the fitness industry with Jetts is definitely worthy of celebration, but this is not Giorgia’s only achievement of note…

On her fitness journey, Giorgia has lost 40 kgs….

Giorgia’s fitness journey has included losing 40kg’s…

In Giorgia’s words….

“I never thought there would have been a day where I could do that!

Now, I know that losing 40 KG is a massive deal to most, but the craziest thing back t

hen was I didn’t think I needed to lose weight…

 I was always the ‘funny, fat friend’. I always used to embarrass myself to mask my pain – and the fact I couldn’t even look at myself in the mirror was a huge turning point for me.

 When the COVID pandemic hit, I found it hard to study my final year of my Bachelor of Commerce majoring in accounting (with my whole family there), so I found every excuse in the book to not study.

 I started to go on walks and decided to spend most of my time researching and following others on Instagram to keep myself accountable.

 Once I started exercising, I fell in love with how I was feeling and seeing that little bit of progress encouraged me to keep going.

I set myself a goal. For my 21st birthday, I wanted to be healthier and able to run 4KMS.

 I stuck to those small goals and started seeing changes weekly. I had lost a total of 40kgs by my 21st birthday in 2020.

 I have grown more with time and have become stronger and able to do more.

 I have maintained the weight loss with a lot of hard work and dedication and now I want to inspire others and help them realise you can honestly do anything you set your mind to.”

Fun Fact: Giorgia’s favourite quote is: “BURPEE: The ability to fall, rise back up, and celebrate!!!”

We love it and are so inspired by your story…. Wishing all the very best on your Fitness Journey Giorgia!

Giorgia at Jetts

Giorgia has recently started working in the industry as a Club Manager!

Meet more motivated Fitness Institute Students HERE. 

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