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Jo Scott – Optimal Body Fitness

Check out our S&C course for PT’s and Athletes

Written by Kristine Beissner

January 2, 2020


Empowering you with tools to succeed!

Jo Scott is  the owner of Optimal Body Fitness in North QLD and if the past is anything to go by, the future is looking very bright!!

Jo is specialising in empowering women and passing on the right balance of fitness and healthy eating in order to achieve the best results!

Fitness Institute is immensely proud to have had Jo as a student seeing the success of both herself as a trainer and her clients on a daily basis through social media.

Jo has been very brave by recently sharing her own story about coming through the challenges of life, temptations and embracing health and fitness. She is now employing many staff including Allied Health Professionals for a more holistic approach to health and fitness. With many years working in the hospitality industry, Jo brings her healthy cooking ideas that are achievable to her clients and is seeing some great results.

Check out some incredible transformations for yourself and see the great services available on her Facebook Page and website Optimal Body Fitness and get educated with the information that you need to reach your Optimal Body Fitness today!


Meet more Fitness Institute students HERE as well as on our Online Facebook and Townsville Campus Facebook pages.

Learn more about our courses HERE.

Strength & Conditioning

for PT’s & Athletes

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