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Graduate Spotlight – Shane & Vanessa

Check out our S&C course for PT’s and Athletes

Written by Kristine Beissner

June 17, 2021

News | Testimonials

Graduate Spotlight Fitness Institute

Personal Trainers Shane and Vanessa Hanna with Mentors Kylie Pitt from the Fitt Pit and Matt Hamilton from Last Round.

Four years ago, Shane and Vanessa Hanna made a decision to change their lifestyle…

It’s always fantastic to hear our student’s stories, so we took the opportunity recently to ask them both some questions and to share their story with us!

Tell us about your Fitness Journey?

As a consequence of changing our lifestyle, we fell in love with the new active life we were living and quickly became addicted to feeling fitter, stronger and healthier.

We mix up our training with Bootcamp, running, hiking, boxing and weight training. Mixing it up keeps it fun and interesting and different styles of exercise challenge your mind and body too.

 Finding exercise you enjoy is the best, because that way it doesn’t feel like a chore – it becomes something you’re looking forward to, not something that you’re trying to avoid.

 We believe this is the key to progression and we want to keep it fun for our clients as well..

 What’s Next, now you’ve obtained your Qualifications?

 We feel very lucky to now be personal trainers.

 Thanks to the Fitness Institute and our fabulous mentors Kylie from Fitt Pitt and Matt from Last Round….

We also feel lucky to be the only Precision Hydration provider in NSW which is a new and exciting technology for sweat testing athletes. This technology measures sodium loss in sweat and allows us to create a hydration plan using that data. This plan helps athletes reach their full potential both in training and on race day.

Combining the Precision Hydration technology with our personal training certainly puts us at an advantage to assist our clients. Check out @readysweatgo for more details.

What did you enjoy the most about studying the Cert III & IV in Fitness?

We are proud to say had two extremely experienced mentors and coaches, who both have different passions and were so selfless and patient with sharing those with us.

Learning from 2 different mentors who both run successful businesses and have created a niche in our area was the best!.

We felt motivated to finish so that we could start helping people feel great – we can empathise with those starting their journey to exercise and this will hopefully help us be great personal trainers.


We wish you both all the best on your Fitness Journey Shane & Vanessa!


Meet more of our motivated Fitness Institute students HERE. 

Strength & Conditioning

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