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Joh Clarkson – Giving up is not an option!

Check out our S&C course for PT’s and Athletes

Written by Kristine Beissner

July 31, 2020


Having recently graduated with a Certificate III and IV in Fitness, we asked Joh to share her motivations, inspiration and study tips with us!

Joh Clarkson

What’s next for Joh Clarkson?  

I have started my own personal training business, Total Physique Personal Training with a focus on mobile PT sessions and online training.

It has been a successful start as I have surpassed my 3 month business plan target in the first 3 weeks….

I’m loving every minute!

What initially drew you into the industry?

I started taking an interest in all things fitness when I was 6 years old (doing aerobics in the doorway of the gym’s group fitness room that my mum went to).

By the time I was in high school I was competing in aerobics competitions and lifting weights with the big boys.

Skip forward 20 years and my passion for fitness only increased – I have been competing in physique competitions for the past 5 years and have had people asking me to train them. This was the final push I needed to start my qualifications.

Do you have a fitness philosophy?

You need to be mentally strong as well as physically strong.

So many people I know give up when things get a little difficult, whether it’s at the gym or in their daily life.

Giving up is not an option in my mind – Fitter, Faster, Stronger!

What did you most enjoy most about the course?   

I really enjoyed writing exercise plans for clients in Stage 5 & 8, as well as the Strength & Conditioning element of the course.

I did find the Business subject (with the COVID 19 adjustments) one of the most useful subjects now that I have finished and have my own business.

What advice would you offer to students striving to finish? 

Read the assessments carefully. Everything you need to complete each assessment is specifically stated, including how to find information to answer questions.

And don’t procrastinate!


Check out Joh’s Student Spotlight HERE!  

Learn more about Fitness Institute’s full range of courses HERE. 

Strength & Conditioning

for PT’s & Athletes

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