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Work Experience & Mentors for Fitness Students

Check out our S&C course for PT’s and Athletes

Written by Kristine Beissner

January 2, 2020


The Fitness Training Package is structured to introduce up and coming instructors and trainers to the industry in which they will soon be making their career.

Fitness Students completing the Certificate III and IV in Fitness and Diploma of Fitness must complete practical assessments plus additional work experience hours in the sport, fitness, leisure and recreation industry.

Our Top Tips!

The training team at Fitness Institute recommend students approach sport, fitness, leisure, health, wellness and recreation organisations in their area and ask if they are happy to have someone do work experience. This is a great way to start and a perfect way to develop professional contacts, referees & networks.

Local sports centres, commercial fitness centres, council websites, volunteer organisations, community organisations are all possibilities.

Once these connections and relationships are formed, asking for additional support like mentorship and training advice is then a natural, comfortable progression.

Fitness Institute Student Support Officer, Helen also notes: 

“There are quite a few places you can go to ask for help. Apart from your local gym or health club, there are also Sport and Recreation Centres like the PCYC and boutique clubs like F45 and mind-body studios.
You may find a CrossFit box in your area or even a Community Centre or local council activity.
Pop into your local fitness facility and speak to the people there to see if they can put you in touch with any of the Trainers willing to help you out. In return, you may be able to do some reception, marketing or maintenance hours there as well.  
It all depends on where you are living and how close you are to these facilities. For those without access to the services of metro areas, we have a Fast Track Support Program, which includes the services of a mentor. If this is something a student wishes to do, payments can be spread out over the course.” 
Surf the Web! 

Your local council or government website will tell you what events are coming up and there are often a great many charity events to get behind like Relay for Life or those found on Everyday Hero.

Get in the Race!  

Have a look at what high profile adventure events are coming up and get involved. Event planners like the Colour Run, Tough Mudder and Spartan for example, are always looking for people to help and these are great ways to have fun, meet others and learn at the same time.

Donate your time! 

Many established organisations in the fitness, health and wellness fields offer work experience, for example, Step into Life, the Heart Foundation , Cancer Council and JDRF to name a few.

Find People to Practice on!

Training to be a Trainer and Group Instructor requires finding people to work with in order to hone your craft!

Talking to people about being part of your training program is good practice for when you start working in the industry. We recommend using professional and personal networks as well as social media contacts (Facebook can work well for this) and good old fashioned word of mouth with family, friends, friends of friends and work colleagues.

We always remind students that the experience and skill they have to offer is a valuable service, provided at no cost to the participant – it’s a win/win situation all around.                                                      

Volunteer your time!

There are also plenty of opportunities to Volunteer and a snapshot of just some of these can be seen on SEEK Volunteer. 

Many local councils advertise volunteer positions and a quick search online will reveal a great many state-based fitness, sport and recreation organisations calling for willing volunteers.
Fitness Conventions are always looking for Event crews as well!
Industry Support
Many Industry Organisations offer a range of services for students and signing up to their newsletters and social media will keep you up to date with what is happening in the industry.
Industry Association, FITREC allows students to create a profile and add their details so employers can see them and get in touch –
it’s all about getting your face seen in and about the industry!
AUSactive also offer FREE Student Insurance for the duration of your studies and offers Continuing Education Credits to mentors.
Give Back! 
Always remember where you started and when the opportunity arises, consider giving a little something back and offering to support and mentor others – this is how our industry grows!
See more about our student Fast Track Support Pack HERE.
Fitness Institute Mentors who are registered with AUSactive are eligible for Continuing Education Credits (CEC) points to go towards re registration.


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