Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength...
Strength & Conditioning
Warmup Mobility Movements
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength...
Dowel Mobility Movements
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength...
Slant Board Squat
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength...
Goblet Squats
Goblet Squats are a perfect way to develop squat technique. Learn how to perform this popular thigh and glute exercise with the team at Fitness Institute. Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new...
Front Rack Barbell Lunge
Lunges are an excellent way to correct imbalances in leg strength and mix up an over reliance of squats in a training program. This popular training movement, not only works the hamstrings, glutes, thighs and calves, it requires balance, core strength and stability to...
Knees over Toes in Squats?
If you hold the view that knees shouldn't go past the toes doing squats - check out this youtube clip and see if you still feel the same after watching....
Good Mornings
Good Mornings are another exercise that can get a bad rap, but if this movement is done correctly, it's a great warm-up for deadlifts and other strength exercises. Start in a back squat position with a wide grip and be sure to begin with a good lumbar arch. Before you...
Air Squats
Air Squats are the foundation exercise for a great many other movements, especially when it comes to performing compound movements such as cleans and snatches. Needless to say, Air squats are one of the most important exercises to master when it comes to sport...
Bent Over Row
Bent over rows are gaining popularity in gyms from normal strength workouts to group fitness classes. For this demo you will see I am using a pronated grip with hands over the bar. If you can use hook grip with thumb underneath fingers, then even better! I have my...
Some Cool Weight Plate Exercises
Check out some cool weight plate exercises we found to add to your sessions - thanks to Men's Health for the video! See more Men's Health Videos here: Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied...
Back Squat
We will be looking at the Back Squat with a high bar position and elbows forward. Like the front squat, when racking out of the bar, you will want to be well under the bar with heels underneath the bar. Secure the bar onto the back in a high position. Some people opt...
Bench Press
Bench Press is a great compound exercise for the arms and chest, but the more we learn about Bench Press, the more we can bring other parts of our body in to get a bigger lift. Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health...
The Deadlift used to be called the health lift. It has a bad reputation, but all we are really trying to do here is to teach people to lift objects up off the ground in the safest way possible. Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied...
Hammer Strength Belt Squat
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength...
ATG Split Squat
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength...
Reverse Step Ups
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength...
Bulgarian Split Squat
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength...
Walking Lunge
The lunge is a great exercise for the lower body while having to stabilize the upper body for the correct posture. Start standing up nice and tall and then begin with one foot going forward. Examples of progression Walking overhead barbell lunges Walking front racked...
Single Leg Step Up & Press
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength...
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength...
Depth Jumps
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength...
Lateral Slide to Box Jump
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength...
Plyo Mix Tape
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength...
Power up with Plyo Training!
It’s likely you’ve heard of plyometric training techniques before and it’s very possible you’re already doing these activities in your training and group fitness programs. If you’re keen to understand and incorporate these powerful training techniques into your...
Box Jumps
Box jumps are a great plyometric exercise and the standards of the movement can be very easily changed in order to achieve any desired training goal. Jumping higher will be more calf intensive and jumping lower will be more hip flexor intensive. Box jumps are actually...
Squat Jumps
A more advanced plyometric extension of the Air Squat is the Squat Jump. Make sure that you master the Air Squat first before doing jumping squats. If you do find yourself off balance, you could consider investing in rings or a suspension system such as a TRX to help....
Overhead Squat (OHS)
The overhead squat is a great test of strength and flexibility - not many adults can sink straight into the overhead squat without doing a few months worth of mobility and strength work first. Performing this movement requires flexibility around the ankle, knee, hip...
Front Squat
Ideally, with the front squat, you will have a rack to use so that you don't have to clean the bar up. If you are lifting out of a rack, you will need to ensure you establish a good squat stance with feet directly underneath the bar. I like to have my heels right...
Push Jerk
The Push Jerk is the follow on from the Strict Press and Push Press, and these should be mastered before taking on this movement. The Push Press can be confusing in the beginning and learning it involves starting straight, a dip, a drive, a second dip and lockout of...
Push Press
With our Push Press, we should be able to lift an extra 30% or so compared to our strict press. Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to...
Strict Press (Shoulder Press)
The strict press is great for developing shoulder strength and tricep strength. Grip stance will be approximately a thumbs width from hips when holding the bar. Using a rack will be easier to start, otherwise, you will need to clean the bar into the position shown...
Clean & Jerk
Requiring speed, mobility and power, the Clean & Jerk combines a Squat Clean and a Split Jerk and uses just about every muscle in the body. Learn how to perform this powerful, complex movement with the team at Fitness Institute! Remember to seek the advice of your...
Hang Muscle Clean
The best place to learn a Muscle Clean is from the Hang position, which is a position describing anywhere that is off the ground. Learn the different hang start positions as well as some training tips to perfect your Hang Muscle Cleans with the Team at Fitness...
Hang Squat Clean
The hang squat clean is the next advanced progression from the hang power clean. Start with the bar above your knees in either the low hang (shown below), mid hang or high hang position. I have a neutral head below however you may choose to be looking straight ahead....
Hang Power Clean
The hang power clean is a great strength and conditioning exercise for improving athletic prowess. It can be used to increase vertical leap as it focuses on hip extension, the most athletic movement we can make. If you think about most sports, they use some sort of...
Hang Muscle Snatch
The Hang Muscle Snatch is an explosive, complex, full body, compound movement that uses a significant amount of muscles in the body. Learn about how to perform the perfect Muscle Snatch as well as some Snatch progressions and techniques to avoid with the team at...
Squat Snatch
A Squat Snatch is a movement that develops speed and power. It is associated with technical lifts seen at the Olympics. Learn how to perform this complex, powerful movement as well as coach and correct common faults with the team at Fitness Institute. Remember to seek...
Hang Squat Snatch
The hang squat snatch is the next progression after the hand power snatch. This movement requires flexibility in the hips and shoulders in order to reach the required positions. Start with the bar above your knees in the hang position with either a neutral head or...
Hang Power Snatch
The hang power snatch is a good test of explosive movement. We start in the hang position with the bar above our knees. It is best to use a hook grip here with thumb underneath index and middle finger. Feet are underneath hips to begin with, in the jumping stance with...
Ben Turner Snatch Technique video
Olympic Weightlifting Coach Ben Turner drops in to teach Fitness Institute students at Strand CrossFit in how to coach the Snatch. Be sure to check out our YouTube Channel and Video page to see more Fitness Institute videos! Remember to seek the advice of your fitness...
Russian Kettlebell Swings
The Russian Kettlebell Swing is a glute and hammy intense movement that is gaining popularity as a training technique. It looks simple, but there are some important things to remember to ensure you avoid some of the common faults. Learn more about how to perform this...
Kettlebell Snatch
The Kettlebell Snatch is a dynamic, explosive movement that works the hamstrings, glutes, erector spinae, traps and rear deltoids (the posterior chain muscles) extremely effectively. Learn how to perform this complex movement well with the team at Fitness Institute....
Hang Kettlebell Clean
The Kettlebell Hang Clean is gaining popularity in training circles everywhere, proving itself as both an option to using a bar and an effective, dynamic movement in its own right! Learn how to perform this compound, stabilising movement with the team at Fitness...
American Kettlebell Swings
American Kettlebell Swings differ from the Russian Kettlebell Swings in some important ways. See the difference between them as well as how to perform them with the team at Fitness Institute! Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied...
Australian Institute of Kettlebell Training video
Check out our video for some Kettlebell tips and if you are keen on learning more skills, be sure to check in with the team at Australian Institute of Kettlebells. A big thanks to the instructors from the Australian Institute of Kettlebells for coming out to Fitness...
Get the most out of Kettlebell Swings!
Swing into action this year with Kettlebells. Kettlebells are the hottest piece of fitness equipment on the market and as a coach or athlete, it is imperative to have your technique down pat. The biggest tip is that it is all in the hips. There are plenty of...
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength...
Farmers Carry
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength...
Ring Push Ups
Build strength, stabilisation and co-ordination using the rings as a variation to standard push-ups. Learn how to progress and regress this chest and tricep movement that also targets the core and prepares you for more advanced movements like ring muscle ups with the...
Ring Rows (Body Rows)
Ring rows seem like such an innocently easy exercise, however, they can be made as hard as you like. The higher you are, the easier it gets and the lower you get the harder it is. The main focus of this exercise is to keep your torso and hips as straight as possible....
A great exercise by itself or as a warm up to bench press, the pushup starts with hands shoulder-width and underneath you with fingers pointing forward. A quick tip here: if you can screw the heels oy your hands into the floor, this should bring your biceps to facing...
The burpee would have to be one of the most challenging exercises out there. It looks like it shouldn't be hard to do, but it's actually a complex movement combining a push up, an air squat and a jump into sequential movements. It also involves a mix of many flexions...
Lebert Equalizer Push ups & Rows
The Lebert Equalizer is a training tool gaining popularity amongst personal trainers and fitness enthusiasts everywhere for the ability to do strength, cardiovascular, endurance and stretching movements anywhere you can carry them. Learn how to do two of the many...
Lebert Equalizer L Sits
The Lebert Equalizer is a training tool gaining popularity amongst personal trainers and fitness enthusiasts everywhere for the ability to do strength, cardiovascular, endurance and stretching movements anywhere you can carry them. Gaining a lot of respect in training...
Lebert Equalizer Dips
The Lebert Equalizer is a training tool gaining popularity amongst personal trainers and fitness enthusiasts everywhere for the ability to do strength, cardiovascular, endurance and stretching movements anywhere you can carry them. Learn how to do one of the many...
Weighted Pull ups
Once you have mastered the Strict Pull-up - adding weight can assist in getting even stronger. Learn how to do this with the team at Fitness Institute. Learn more about the Strict Pull-up HERE. Remember to seek the advice of...
Jumping Pull ups
A Jumping Pullup not only stands alone as a movement that builds up strength - particularly by using the eccentric (or lowering) phase of the movement. it is also a perfect way to learn and become conditioned to doing an unassisted Pull-up... In the full lockout...
Kipping Swing
Great Kipping Pull-ups start by mastering the Kipping Swing – learn some tips on how to achieve this with the team at Fitness Institute. The Kipping Swing needs to be mastered first to ensure hips and head can be moved back and feet forward in one action... ...then in...
Kipping Pull Ups and Box Pull Ups
A Kipping Pull up is an efficient way of getting from point A (the bottom hang) to point B (Chin over bar), altho it does require some co-ordination. This movement is a much faster movement and is less pure than the strict pull-up. Great Kipping Pull-ups start by...
Snap Pull Ring Muscle Up
Combining a rings pull-up, an in-air sit-up and dip press, the snap pull ring muscle up is a challenging, complex movement requiring strength and coordination. Learn the fundamentals of how to master this powerful move with the team at Fitness Institute. Remember to...
Rings Muscle Up
The muscle up has its origins in men's gymnastics and is a CrossFit staple movement. As it's a complex movement requiring strength and coordination, learning where to find a starting point can go along way towards progressing and mastering this movement. Learn how to...
Bar Muscle Ups
A muscle up is an advanced gymnastic movements requiring practice and persistence to master. Learn how to master this complex movement with the team at Fitness Institute and see more on Jumping Bar Muscle Ups HERE. Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer,...
Jumping Bar Muscle Ups
One further progression of the Bar Muscle up - is a Jumping Bar Muscle up. Learn how to master this motivating movement with the team at Fitness Institute and see more on Bar Muscle Ups HERE. Training Tip: add a negative rep to take this to the next level! Remember...
Knees to Elbows and Knee Raises
If you are struggling with your kipping swings or kipping pull ups, the best progression towards knees to elbows is a hanging knee raise as seen below. Try to get your knees as high as possible. This movement is a strict movement so there is minimal swinging movement....
Toes to Bar
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength Exercises...
Rope Climbs J Hook Foot Clamp
The Rope Climb has become a functional fitness as well as an obstacle and adventure course staple - but there's more to it than meets the eye. It's important to find the most efficient way to ascend in order to save spending all your upper body strength at once. Your...
GHD Hip Extension
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength...
GHD Back Extension
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength...
GHD Sit Ups
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength...
Why is PNF stretching so effective?
With a wide range of functional training techniques now used in our group fitness and personal training sessions, you may have heard the term “PNF” being used… but have you ever wondered about the science behind this technique and why it is so effective? In the hands...
Hamstring Stretch
When your hamstrings are tight, your mobility can be reduced and your lower back may start to feel the strain. Utilise what you have close by to lengthen hamstring muscles with a good stretch while reducing the potential for lower back pain and increasing mobility in...
Forearm Massage
Perfect for the end of a workout when you have used a lot of grip strength, the forearm massage will assist in returning blood flow and recovery... The team at Fitness Institute show you have to perform this restorative technique. Remember to seek the advice of your...
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching (PNF)
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) is an advanced form of flexibility training that involves both the stretching and contraction of the muscle group being targeted. PNF stretching was originally developed as a form of rehabilitation, and to that effect it...
EMOM Strength Sets
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength Exercises...
Super Sets
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength Exercises...
Drop Sets
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength Exercises...
Tabata Intervals
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider.Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength Exercises...
Pre-Fatigue Sets
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength Exercises...
HIIT Training
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength Exercises...
EMOM Intervals
Remember to seek the advice of your fitness trainer, medical and/or allied health professionals, if you are new to exercise or have an injury or medical condition to consider. Learn how to test your fitness HERE. See more Gym Exercises HERE See more Strength Exercises...