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20 Top TEDEd Anatomy Vids

Check out our S&C course for PT’s and Athletes

Written by Kristine Beissner

June 2, 2020


Fitness Institute

We may feel like a machine at times, but it’s worth remembering that the Human Body is an amazingly intelligent series of moving parts and systems, all working together to keep us physically and mindfully active….   

From the skin we’re in, to the heart that powers us, developing an understanding and a healthy respect for how each of the elements that make up “us” is essential to our health and wellbeing…

With this in mind, we’ve put together a collection of short, simple TEDEd sessions to explain some sometimes complex concepts in order to share, remind us and/or get us thinking about lovin’ the skin we’re in and the body that moves us…

And keep us motivated and achieving our health, wellness and fitness goals…

TedEd is a nonprofit organisation creating ideas worth sharing and supporting….     

Students enrolled in the Certificate III and IV in Fitness, as well as the Diploma of Fitness, get to delve more into how the body works with functional fitness, strength and conditioning specific anatomy, physiology, biomechanics and exercise science subjects…

Fitness Institute Cert III

Learn More about Fitness Institute’s full range of courses HERE.  

Strength & Conditioning

for PT’s & Athletes

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